
'Every Child Matters,

Every Moment Counts'

Visions and Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. We try our very best to develop the ethos of a caring community in which all individuals are equally valued and celebrated. We try to help our children gain the knowledge, skills, self confidence and awareness to contribute fully to our society.

Our school motto is 'Every Child Matters, Every Moment Counts' as we pride ourselves on our inclusivity ensuring wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do.

Our ethos is shaped by the shared values, the school staff, pupils and parents share. We aim to offer equal opportunities to all and look to ensure that every learner has experiences that will shape them in the pursuit of the core purposes which is the focus of the New Curriculum.


Together with support from home, we aim to help your child:

  • read, write, listen and speak effectively
  • learn about maths, science, welsh and ICT.
  • understand how the world constantly changes
  • enjoy arts and music
  • enjoy physical activities
  • develop spiritual values of truth, peace, love and non violence
  • develop tolerance of all races and ways of life
  • feel valued and deal with issues in a sensitive way.

These are all elements that will help our children develop into ethically informed citizens; ambitious capable learners; enterprising, creative contributors and healthy confident individuals.
