'Every Child Matters,
Every Moment Counts'
Croeso i Hafan Criw Cymraeg!
Welcome to our homepage!
The Criw Cymraeg are a group of children from each year group, selected by the teachers, in an aim to encourage the use of Welsh around the school.
Lily, Jasmine, Frankie
Dylan, Leja
Tilly, Megan
September / Medi: Sut wyt ti? - Da iawn - Iawn - Wedi blino - Ofnadwy
October / Hydref: Pwy biau hwn? - Fi biau hwn
November / Tachwedd: Cofiwch - Cofiwch golchi dwylo - Cofiwch gwisgo cot
September / Medi: Pwy wyt ti? - .... ydw i
October / Hydref: Pwy biau hwn? - Fi biau hwn
November / Tachwedd: Pa liw?
Gwobr Efydd Siarter Iaith / Bronze Award Welsh Language Charter
We have been busy in 2018 helping our school achieve a Bronze Award in the Welsh Language Charter for primary schools. We are proud of what we have achieved. We believe children now have the opportunity to speak and enjoy Welsh during every part of their school day.
We were so successful at spreading Welsh throughout the school that Overmonnow Primary has been selected as a Learning Network School for Welsh, supporting other schools to promote Welsh in their own setting.
Gwobr Arian Siarter Iaith / Silver Award Welsh Language Charter
Since Autumn term 2018, we have started to work towards the next set of criteria to achieve the Silver Award. Criw Cymraeg will be very busy supporting pupils and staff to meet the challenges of the Silver Award.
Gwasanaeth Cymraeg / Welsh Assembly
Ein flwyddyn ardderchog a brysur / Our Amazing and busy year in 2018
Welsh music / Cerddoriaeth Cymraeg
In assembly, we really enjoy listening to a cool Welsh pop group called "Swnami". Why not look them up on Youtube and choose your favourite song?
Beth am wrando ar "Swnami" ar Youtube?
Apiau / Apps
Why not download the Welsh apps we have on school iPads?
Beth am ddefnyddio apiau Cymraeg ar eich iPad?
Alun y Arth (Ar y fferm) and Campau Cosmig.
If you want to find out a Welsh word or check spelling, try Ap Geiriaduron.
Gwefannau / Websites
Why not practice your Welsh by clicking onto these links to watch stories and play games?