'Every Child Matters,
Every Moment Counts'
‘Meeting the Needs’ is a registered charity and was formed in 1999 to support the pupils of Overmonnow Specialist Resource Base (SRB).
Pupils in the SRB have complex additional learning needs including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD). The SRB offers an environment appropriate to the needs of the pupils, who require a different approach to their learning and the use of specialist approaches.
Many of the pupils in the SRB benefit from the provision of specialist equipment and resources to support their access to the curriculum and to enhance their learning and development. Specialist equipment and resources can be costly and having charitable status allows us to access areas of funding only available to groups that are recognised by the Charities Commission.
Over the years we have received tremendous support from many groups, some nationally and others within our own community.
It is the aim of the charity to support the learning and educational experience of the pupils in the SRB.
Charity No. 1074754