
'Every Child Matters,

Every Moment Counts'


Pupil Deprivation grant Statement for Overmonnow Primary School


At Overmonnow we use the pupil deprivation grant to raise the achievement of all pupils eligible for free school meals and not only those who are lower ability learners.


The school measures the impact of the pupil deprivation grant on improving outcomes for pupils eligible for free school meals and uses this information to inform future grant spending.


The school has undertaken the following activities using the PDG to support pupils eligible for FSM

  • Intervention and catch up groups and training of Teaching Assistants
  • Updating training for staff to improve the quality of teaching for pupils
  • Purchase new reading materials for early readers
  • Release of staff to track vulnerable learners
  • Subsidise school trips/visits
  • Developing the learning areas/provision across the school
  • Mindfulness/Wellbeing training for staff


The PDG is regularly monitored and scrutinised by the governing body, EAS and LA.
